Vice President of Business Development at GT Research

Creative Chairman & CEO, WHISPER globally

Founder, El Porto Shark

Founder and CEO, TAO-Blue Economy/Blue Tech Consultancy

Coastal and Oceanographic Sales Manager, Teledyne Marine

Strategy Consultant

CEO, Precision Measurement Engineering

Program Manager at Biobot

Senior Vice President, Business Development and Strategic Initiatives, Fluxus, Inc.

Co-founder / COO, Oasis Travel Platform

Ian Galton Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC San Diego

Managing Member, Byron Analytics

President, Xiphos Innovations LLC

Director, Industry Relations, San Diego Supercomputer Center

Regional Director, National Geographic Society

Executive Director, Walter Munk Foundation for the Oceans

Vice President of Development, RAI Energy

Director, Air-Sea Interaction Laboratory, Scripps Oceanography

Mentor, Institute for the Global Entrepreneur

Co-founder, Citadel Defense

Partner at Pineshore Ventures

Senior Communications consultant

President at Richard Miller Consulting & Coaching

Environmental Team Lead - Air/Water Resources, SDGE

Founder, Blue Native Consulting, LLC

Associate Director, Mapping Systems products, ESRI

Executive Chairman, iPharma; CEO and Chairman, Tesio Pharmaceuticals

V.P. / General Manager, InterOcean Systems

Founding Principal, Apex View Management

Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of BrilliantBiome

Oceans Project Director for Conservation Innovation at The Nature Conservancy

Principal Worldwide Security Go-to-Market Specialist, Amazon Web Services

CEO, Hyperkelp, Inc

President, Ocean innovations

Digital strategy & customer lifecycle marketing

Chief Executive Officer, AuraVax Therapeutics, Inc.

Chief Operating Officer, AUUSV, LLC