Algeon Materials
Leveraging ocean derived materials to create bio-innovative plastic alternatives.
Team: Rosemary Greeley, Kim Pendergrass

Reinventing 2000 year old anchor technology to be less destructive, more intelligent, and easier to use.
Team: Myles Syverud, Nicolas Vieville

CalWave Power Technologies, Inc.
Unlocking the vast and steady carbon-free power from ocean waves and bringing superior power and monitoring technology to market with a global reach.
Team: Marcus Lehmann, Dan Petcovic, Nigel Kojimoto, Thomas Boerner

Daybreak Seaweed Co.
Bringing seaweed into the everyday kitchen by providing nutrient-dense, umami-packed, and nourishing kitchen staples.
Team: Catherine O’Hare, Avery Resor

Using imaging advancements to improve underwater biomass measurements and monitor fish population growth and health.
Team: Peter Tueller, Patrick Paxson, Raghax Maddukuri, Viva Suresh

Kai Pono Solutions
Transforming the stormwater industry with a unique stormwater filtration device that is low impact, cost effective, easily maintained, and IOT-enabled.
Team: Navy Mckee, Lanie Schwartz, Jack Dickson, Edward Banuelos, Bailey Schantz

Engineering of living coral reef mimicking structures for the sustainable use of coastal resources.
Team: Daniel Wangpraseurt, Patricia Fernandez

Integrating next-generation robotics, artificial intelligence, and computer vision to solve ocean data challenges.
Team: Debbie Nail Meyer, Venkat Rangan, Andrey Bushuev, Andrew Lomax