Luc Lenain
Physical oceanographer Luc Lenain is the director at the Air-Sea Interaction Research Laboratory, affiliated with the Marine Physical Laboratory and the Physical Oceanography Research Division of Scripps. Dr. Lenain’s research focuses on topics ranging from physics, fluid mechanics, remote sensing, air-sea interaction, surface wave dynamics, atmospheric and oceanographic research, scientific instrumentation development, and numerical simulations. Dr. Lenain is chair of the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Aircraft Research (UNOLS SCOAR), and has been a member of the UNOLS council since 2015. Dr. Lenain holds degrees from UPMC Polytech, Paris, France (M.Sc.E, Geophysics and Civil Engineering), University of Delaware (M. Sc., Physical Ocean Sciences and Engineering) and Ecole Nornale Superieure, ENS – Saclay, France (PhD, Physics).